Good Grief

Mum and I stood in the aisle of the too-bright warehouse supermarket, you know the one, back then it was painted in ripe-banana yellow with no-nonsense black lettering on all its signage. It was eight o’clock or something close on a Monday evening. We were both exhausted by long hours at the hospital, sitting with my dad, whom I hadn’t …

Choice Cut

lovelies, despite weeks of happy anticipation, i wonโ€™t be at @LCC2020SanDiego after all ๐Ÿ˜”(medical condition puts me at high risk + import of LRT tbh) โ€” S.G. Wong is writing. No, really. (@S_G_Wong) March 8, 2020 How do you know if the choice you’ve made is good or bad? It seemed like a no-brainer for me to cancel my …